Huntsville, Alabama

Somehow we managed to fit all of our sailing gear, climbing gear, kitchenware, clothing etc... in, or on top of, the car. Once we arrived down south, we fit right in with all the hillbillies. Items strapped on the car included a bike, cat box, cooler, and a jacket coated in cat piss flapping in the wind. We learned it takes a cat about 4 to 5 hours of constant meowing to lose its voice. It has been nice to see family on the way down, and to spend time with family here in Alabama. While here in Alabama we headed up to Tennessee Wall for 3 days of sandstone splitters in sunny 70 degree weather. The climbing there is best explained as some strange crossbreed of Indian Creek and the Gunks (no complaints). We are now headed west for a little rock climbing, rest, and relaxation. We look forward to living simply and in touch with our natural rhythms, which for us includes plenty of time in the vertical world.
Mar. 10, 2007